

  • Kato Y, Ohsugi K, Fukuno Y, Iwatsuki K, Harada Y, Miyaji T*. Vesicular nucleotide transporter is a molecular target of eicosapentaenoic acid for neuropathic and inflammatory pain treatment. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 119, e2122158119 (2022)
  • Tsuruta S, Kawasaki T, Machida M, Iwatsuki K, Inaba A, Shibata S, Shindo T, Nakabayashi K, Hakamada K, Umezawa A, Akutsu H*. Development of human gut organoids with resident tissue macrophages as a model of intestinal immune responses. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol, 14(3), 726-729 (2022)
  • Inaba A, Arinaga A, Tanaka K, Endo T, Hayatsu N, Okazaki Y, Yamane T, Oishi Y, Imai H, Iwatsuki K*. Interleukin-4 promotes tuft cell differentiation and acetylcholine production in intestinal organoids of non-human primate. Int J Mol Sci, 22, 7921 (2021)
  • Xi R, Montague J, Lin X, Lu C, Lei W, Tanaka K, Zhang Y V, Xu X, Zheng X, Zhou X, Urban J F Jr, Iwatsuki K, Margolskee RF, Matsumoto I, Tizzano M, Li J, Jiang P*. Up-regulation of gasdermin C in mouse small intestine is associated with lytic cell death in enterocytes in worm-induced type 2 immunity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A,118, e2026307118 (2021)
  • Kimura-N C, Sakaguchi K, Hatano Y, Matsumoto M, Tanaka K, Yamane T, Oishi Y, Kamimoto K, Iwatsuki K*. Ngn3-positive cells arise from pancreatic duct cells. Int J Mol Sci, 22, 8548 (2021)
  • Hayashi M, Inaba A, Hakukawa M, Iwatsuki K, Imai H*, Masuda K*. Expression of TAS2R14 in the intestinal endocrine cells of non-human primates. Genes Genomics, 43, 259-267 (2021)
  • Saito Y, Shimizu M, Iwatsuki K, Hanyu H, Tadaishi M, Sugita-Konishi Y, Kobayashi-Hattori K*. Effect of short-time treatment with TNF-α on stem cell activity and barrier function in enteroids. Cytotechnology, 73, 669-682 (2021)
  • Inaba A, Kumaki S, Arinaga A, Tanaka K, Aihara E, Yamane T, Oishi Y, Imai H, Iwatsuki K*. Generation of intestinal chemosensory cells from nonhuman primate organoids. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 536, 20-25 (2021)
  • Hanyu H, Yokoi Y, Nakamura K, Ayabe T, Tanaka K, Uno K, Miyajima K, Saito Y, Iwatsuki K, Shimizu M, Tadaishi M, Kobayashi-Hattori K*. Mycotoxin Deoxynivalenol Has Different Impacts on Intestinal Barrier and Stem Cells by Its Route of Exposure. Toxins (Basel), 12, 610 (2020)
  • Kimura I*, Miyamoto J, Ohue-Kitano R, Watanabe K, Yamada T, Onuki M, Aoki R, Isobe Y, Kashihara D, Inoue D, Inaba A, Takamura Y, Taira S, Kumaki S, Watanabe M, Ito M, Nakagawa F, Irie J, Kakuta H, Shinohara M, Iwatsuki K, Tsujimoto G, Ohno H, Arita M, Itoh H, Hase K*. Maternal gut microbiota in pregnancy influences offspring metabolic phenotype in mice. Science, 367, 6481 (2020)
  • Saito Y, Iwatsuki K, Inaba A, Sato M, Tadaishi M, Shimizu M, Kobayashi-Hattori K*. Interleukin-4 suppresses the proliferation and alters the gene expression in enteroids. Cytotechnology, 72, 479-488 (2020)
  • Sato M, Inaba A, Iwatsuki K, Saito Y, Tadaishi M, Shimizu M, Kobayashi-Hattori K*. Identification of Reg3β-producing cells using IL-22-stimulated enteroids. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 84, 594-597 (2020)
  • Ohki J, Sakashita A, Aihara E, Inaba A, Uchiyama H, Matsumoto M, Ninomiya Y,Yamane T, Oishi Y, Iwatsuki K*. Comparative analysis of enteroendocrine cells and their hormones between mouse intestinal organoids and native tissues. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 84, 936-942 (2020) BBB論文賞
  • Imai H*, Hakukawa M, Hayashi M, Iwatsuki K, Masuda K*. Expression of Bitter Taste Receptors in the Intestinal Cells of Non-Human Primates. Int J Mol Sci, 21, 902 (2020)
  • Takakura N, Takemi S, Kumaki S, Matsumoto M, Sakai T, Iwatsuki K, Sakata I*. Generation and characterization of Suncus murinus intestinal organoid: a useful tool for studying motilin secretion. Cell Biol Int, 44, 62-69 (2019)
  • Matsumoto K*, Ohishi A, Iwatsuki K, Yamazaki K, Takayanagi S, Tsuji M, Aihara E, Utsumi D, Tsukahara T, Tominaga M, Nagasawa K, Kato S. Transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 mediates sour taste sensing via type III taste cell differentiation. Sci Rep, 9, 6686 (2019)
  • Nakajima C, Kamimoto K, Miyajima K, Matsumoto M, Okazaki Y, Kobayashi-Hattori K, Shimizu M, Yamane T, Oishi Y, Iwatsuki K*. A method for identifying mouse pancreatic ducts.  Tissue Eng Part C Methods, 24, 480-485 (2018)
  • Ren W, Aihara E, Lei W, Gheewala N, Uchiyama H, Margolskee R, Iwatsuki K*, Jiang P*. Transcriptome analyses of taste organoids reveal multiple pathways involved in taste cell generation.Sci Rep, 7, 4004 (2017)
  • Saito Y, Iwatsuki K, Hanyu H, Maruyama N, Aihara E, Tadaishi M, Shimizu M, Kobayashi-Hattori K*. Effect of essential amino acids on enteroids: Methionine deprivation suppresses proliferation and affects differentiation in enteroid stem cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 488, 171-176 (2017)
  • Kato Y, Hiasa M, Ichikawa R, Hasuzawa N, Kadowaki A, Iwatsuki K, Shima K, Endo Y, Kitahara Y, Inoue T, Nomura M, Omote H, Moriyama Y, Miyaji T*. Identification of a vesicular ATP release inhibitor for the treatment of neuropathic and inflammatory pain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 114, E6297-E6305 (2017)
  • Masuda T, Ozono Y, Mikuriya S, Kohro Y, Tozaki-Saitoh H, Iwatsuki K, Uneyama H, Ichikawa R, Salter MW, Tsuda M, Inoue K*. Dorsal horn neurons release extracellular ATP in a VNUT-dependent manner that underlies neuropathic pain. Nat Commun, 7, 12529 (2016)
  • Nakagomi H, Yoshiyama M, Mochizuki T, Miyamoto T, Komatsu R, Imura Y, Morizawa Y, Hiasa M, Miyaji T, Kira S, Araki I, Fujishita K, Shibata K, Shigetomi E, Shinozaki Y, Ichikawa R, Uneyama H, Iwatsuki K, Nomura M, de Groat WC, Moriyama Y, Takeda M, Koizumi S*. Urothelial ATP exocytosis: regulation of bladder compliance in the urine storage phase. Sci Rep, 29761(2016)
  • Yasumatsu K, Manabe T, Yoshida R, Iwatsuki K, Uneyama H, Tkahashi I, Ninomiya Y*. Involvement of multiple taste receptors in umami taste: analysis of gustatory nerve responses in metabotropic glutamate receptor 4 knockout mice. J Physiol, 593, 1021-1034 (2015)
  • Aihara E*, Mahe MM, Schumacher MA, Matthis AL, Feng R, Ren W, Noah TK, Matsu-ura T, Moore SR, Hong CL, Zavros Y, Herness S, Shroyer NF, Iwatsuki K, Jiang P, Helmrath MA, Montrose MH. Characterization of stem/progenitor cell cycle using murine circumvallate papilla taste bud organoid.Sci Rep, 17185 (2015)
  • Yoshino S, Nakagami G, Ohira T, Kawasaki R, Shimura M, Iwatsuki K, Sanada H, Kobayashi-Hattori K, Oishi Y, Yamane T*. Hydrocellular foam dressing increases the leptin level inwound fluid.Wound Repair Regen, 5, 703-710 (2015)
  • Uematsu A, Kitamura A, Iwatsuki K, Uneyama H, Tsurugizawa T*. Correlation between activation of prelimbic cortex, the basolateral amygdala, and agranular insular cortex during taste memory formation. Cerebral Cortex, 9, I2719-2729 (2015)
  • Ren W, Lewandowski BC, Watson J, Aihara E, Iwatsuki K, Bachmanov AA, Margolskee RF, Jiang P*. Single Lgr5- or Lgr6-expressing taste stem/progenitor cells generate taste bud cell ex vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 111, 16401-16406 (2014)
  • Sakamoto S, Miyaji T, Hiasa M, Ichikawa R, Uematsu A, Iwatsuki K, Shibata A, Uneyama H, Takayanagi R, Yamamoto A, Omote H, Nomura M, Moriyama Y*. Impairment of vesicular ATP release affects glucose metabolism and increases insulin sensitivity. Sci Rep, 6689 (2014)
  • Shinozaki Y, Nomura M, Iwatsuki K, Moriyama Y, Gachet C, Koizumi S*. Microglia trigger astrocyte-mediated neuroprotection via purinergic gliotransmission. Sci Rep, 4329 (2014)
  • Kokrashvili Z, Yee KK, Ilegems E, Iwatsuki K, Li Y, Mosinger B, Margolskee RF*. Endocrine taste cells. Br J Nutr, 111, Suppl 1, S23-29 (2014)
  • Yee KK, Li Y, Redding KM, Iwatsuki K, Margolskee RF, Jiang P*. Lgr5-EGFP Marks Taste Bud Stem/Progenitor Cells in Posterior Tongue. Stem Cells, 31, 992-1000 (2013)
  • Liu H-X, Grosse SA, Iwatsuki K, Mishina Y, Gumucio DL, Mistretta CH*. Separate and distinctive roles for Wnt5a in tongue, lingual tissue and taste papilla development. Dev Biol, 361, 39-56 (2012)
  • Yasumatsu K, Ogiwara Y, Takai S, Yoshida R, Iwatsuki K, Torii K, Margolskee RF, Ninomiya Y*. Umami taste in mice uses multiple receptors and transduction pathways. J Physiol, 590, 1155-1170 (2012)
  • Iwatsuki K*, Nomura M, Shibata A, Ichikawa R, Enciso PL, Wang L, Takayanagi R, Torii K, Uneyama H. Generation and characterization of T1R2-LacZ knock-in mouse. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 402, 496-499 (2010)
  • Uematsu A, Tsurugizawa T, Kitamura A, Ichikawa R, Iwatsuki K, Uneyama H, Torii K*. Evaluation of the ‘liking’ and ‘wanting’ properties of umami compound in rats. Physiol Behav, 102, 553-558 (2011)
  • Ilegems E*, Iwatsuki K, Kokrashvili Z, Benard O, Ninomiya Y, Margolskee RF. REEP2 enhances sweet receptor function by recruitment to lipid rafts. J Neurosci, 30, 13774-13783 (2010)
  • Iwatsuki K*, Ichikawa R, Hiasa M, Moriyama Y, Torii K, Uneyama H. Identification of the vesicular nucleotide transporter (VNUT) in taste cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 388, 1-5 (2009)
  • Iwatsuki K*, Liu H-X, Gründer A, Singer MA, Lane TF, Grosschedl R, Mistretta CM and Margolskee RF. Wnt signaling interacts with Shh to regulate taste papilla development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 104, 2253-2258 (2007)
  • Iwatsuki K, Tanaka K, Kaneko T, Kazama R, Okamoto S, Nakayama Y, Satake M, Takahashi S-I, Miyajima A, Watanabe T and Hara T*. Runx1 promotes angiogenesis by down-regulation of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3. Oncogene, 24, 1129-1137 (2005)
  • Tamura K, Hara T, Kutsukake M, Iwatsuki K, Yanagida M, Yoshie M, Kogo H*. Expression and the biological activities of insulin-like growth factor-binding protein related protein 1 (IGFBP-rP1) in rat uterus during the peri-implantation period. Endocrinology, 145, 5243-5251 (2004)
  • Nakayama Y, Nara N, Kawakita Y, Takeshima Y, Arakawa M, Katoh M, Morita S, Iwatsuki K, Tanaka K, Okamoto S, Kitamura T, Seki N, Matsuda R, Matsuo M, Saito K, Hara T*. Cloning of cDNA Encoding a Regeneration-associated Muscle Protease Whose Expression is Attenuated in Cell Lines Derived from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Patients. Am J Pathol, 164,1773-1782 (2004)
  • Kotani M, Tajima Y, Osanai T, Irie A, Iwatsuki K, Kanai-Azuma M, Imada M, Kato H, Shitara H, Kubo H, Sakuraba H*. Complementary DNA cloning and characterization of RANDAM-2, a type I membrane molecule specifically expressed on glutamatergic neuronal cells in the mouse cerebrum. J Neurosci Res, 73, 603-613 (2003)
  • Tamura H, Okamoto S, Iwatsuki K, Futamata Y, Tanaka K, Nakayama Y, Miyajima A, Hara T*. In vivo differentiation of stem cells in the aorta-gonad-mesonephros region of mouse embryo and adult bone marrow. Exp Hematol, 30, 957-966 (2003)
  • Iwatsuki K, Shinozaki M, Sun W, Yagi S, Tanaka S and Shiota K*. A novel secretory protein produced by rat spongiotrophoblast. Biol Reprod, 62, 1352-1359 (2000)
  • Iwatsuki K, Oda M, Sun W, Tanaka S, Ogawa T and Shiota K*. Molecular Cloning and Characterization of a New Member of the Rat Placental Prolactin (PRL) Family, PRL-like Protein H (PLP-H). Endocrinology, 139, 4976-4983 (1998)
  • Iwatsuki K, Endo T, Misawa H, Yokouchi M, Matsumoto A, Ohtsubo M, Mori J K, and Yoshimura A*. STAT5 activation correlates with erythropoietin receptor-mediated erythroid differentiation of an erythroleukemia Cell Line. J Biol Chem, 272, 8149-8152 (1997)
  • Iwatsuki K, Shinozaki M, Hattori N, Hirasawa K, Itagaki S-I, Shiota K*, and Ogawa T. Molecular cloning and characterization of a new member of the rat placental prolactin (PRL) family, PRL-Like Protein D (PLP-D). Endocrinology, 137, 3849-3855 (1996)
  • Aoki N, Matsuda T, Sakiyama T, Iwatsuki K, Furukawa K*. Species-specific ß-N-acetylgalactosaminylation of serum IgG proteins. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1334, 207-213 (1997)
  • Aoki N, Furukawa K, Iwatsuki K, Noda A, Sato T, Nakamura R, and Matsuda T*. A bovine IgG heavy chain contains N-acetylgalactosaminylated N-Linked sugar chains. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 210, 275-280 (1995)


  • Iwatsuki K* and Uneyama H. Sense of taste in the gastrointestinal tract. J Pharmacol Sci, 118, 123-128 (2012)
  • Iwatsuki K*, Ichikawa R, Uematsu A, Kitamura A, Uneyama H, Torii K. Detecting sweet and umami tastes in the GI tract. Acta Physiol, 204, 169-177 (2012)
  • Iwatsuki K, Torii K*. Peripheral chemosensing system for tastants and nutrients. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes, 19, 19-25 (2012)


  • 松井伸祐, 坂口恒介, 岩槻健 オルガノイド培養の課題と展望 研究者目線で語るオルガノイド研究, 化学と生物 61, 179-187 (2023) 掲載決定(4月号表紙写真)
  • 岩槻健 味蕾オルガノイド研究の最前線, 医学のあゆみ 282, Vol. 6, 726-732 (2022)
  • 岩槻健, 坂口恒介, 松井伸祐 味覚センサーの進展, 食品と容器 7, Vol. 63, 450-457 (2022)
  • 岩槻健 挑戦!霊長類の味覚を培養細胞で再現する:特集 味覚〜食を“味わう”メカニズム〜, milsil (国立科学博物館発行), No. 6, Vol. 14 (2021)
  • 小松さゆり, 坂口恒介, 岩槻健 食品成分や危険物質を解析する新しいツール:味蕾オルガノイド, 日本醸造協会誌 116, Vol. 6, 391-397 (2021)
  • 岩槻健, 稲葉明彦, 中嶋ちえみ 「消化管, 味蕾, 膵臓オルガノイドを使った自然治癒研究」食と健康を結ぶメディカルサイエンス 内田浩二編, 実験医学増刊 羊土社 217-223 (2020)
  • 岩槻健 食品成分や呈味物質を解析する新しいツール-消化管および味蕾オルガノイド Foods & Food Ingredients Journal of Japan, Vol 225, 54 (2020)
  • 岩槻健, 稲葉明彦 様々な器官に発現する味細胞様センサー細胞 Clinical Neuroscience 37, No. 12, 1524-1527 (2019)
  • 岩槻健,中嶋ちえみ 多臓器に存在する味覚受容体 ミニ連載「匂い」と「味」を感じる臓器 CLINICAL CALCIUM vol. 28, 113-115 (2018)
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  • 岩槻健, 坂口恒介「味細胞と消化管上皮細胞の培養系」おいしさの科学とフードテック最前線  第3章、都甲潔監修 シーエムシー出版 (2022)
  • 岩槻健「味細胞の発生・再生と培養」、美味しさの科学とビジネス展開の最前線  第3章、都甲潔、柏柳誠編 シーエムシー出版 18-26 (2017)
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